Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bandwagon jumping wastes of space

I believe the phrase is "ROFL," that is what I felt last night when I saw on the nightly news that a bunch of our new conservative leaders were "threatened" in some way. Had to dig quite a bit on the Journal-Sentinel's website to find the story but here it is:

My first thought was "is karl rove behind this? or are they merely jumping on the palin 'i'm the victim' bandwagon to deflect criticism?" I actually doubt rove would be behind it, the jujitsu move of turning your (victim, enemy, opponent?)'s strength against them needs to be more subtle and better-timed. Wisconsin may be a provincial backwater, but the move works better and is harder to spot when undertaken by a third-party (swift boat dickheads) or the target themselves (bush's nasty girl records as presented by Ted Koppel or whoever in the mainstream media). So unless this was a trial balloon for the larger movements conservative, these threats were made by local type paranoid schizophrenics either inside or outside the government. I mean, the "good" people of this state did send/return a particularly obnoxious group of saboteurs to office in the recent election.

Could it be genuine? There have to be some people out there upset that walker has already killed thousands of jobs and it hasn't been a month yet. His cronies in the legislature are going balls deep to create, I don't know, feudalism in this state. With the ID law, yanking same day registration, yanking voting rights from felons while making all sorts of new felonies, and bringing back the "good 'ole days" of debtors' prisons. Wisconsin will resemble Mississippi more than Massachusetts pretty darn quick if these schemes go through. But I feel Wisconsinites could get rid of all of them and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We've been heading that way for quite a while.

Wouldn't it be funny if they were referring to my previous post? My rambling, ultra-vague post about standing up to bullies? No, this is probably just tossing some grist to mark belling and charlie sykes and whoever that incredibly venomous woman is who's show is on right before slush dimbulb. Maybe it's just a way for walker, kleefisch, senselessbrenner, johnson, and my favorite bible-thumper jim liebham to render a few of their enemies to some deep, dark hole and jerk off to the torture vids. Nah, probably just a clumsy "the lady doth protest too much methinks" palinesque victim tirade. The "me-tooism" of it really stinks like yesterdays garbage though. If somebody does take a potshot at one of these idiot polititicans though, I'd be happy to eat my words and apologize. But then maybe, just maybe, the con artists that pollute the airwaves with Orwellian theories, like "Liberals are all effeminate pussies and crazed killers, at the same time" will have to pick one.

P.S. To all the paranoid meatheads out there that insisted I watch that pathetic "zeitgeist" movie, you're in good company Seems this wackjob was obsessed with that film too. Though a few seconds of googling revealed an incredibly well-researched refutation of just about everything in the "money" part of the movie, I could care less about the rest of it. I suppose zeitgeist plays to the paranoid people who, while insisting all the problems of people around them are the result of personal irresponsibility, insist that there is a global conspiracy with absolute power and weird motives. The kind of thing religious people attribute to "God's plan" when bad things happen to good or not entirely bad people. This film is for the libertarian, secular males who know everything without ever going to college or even opening a serious book. It catches their attention by affirming all their "religion sucks" prejudices and then trots out the tried and true anti-semitic conspiracy theories complete with supposed quotations of the founding fathers. Basically, a great propaganda film for the unbalanced. Hits all the right buttons. Anyway, this violence thing is not my bag and I plan on moving far, far away as soon as I finish school. My wife is on board with my crazy idea to move to Austria, or at least Canada

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