So, now the story is that President Obama is losing ground in polls and support for his agenda is sinking. Suprize suprize, reality sucks doesn't it? These bankers act like they really run the country and as long as no one pushes back, they de facto are in charge. To say nothing of the rest of the business community, do they really believe that even the token reforms the admin-istration is contemplating are somehow a threat. Or have el rushbo and his clones really "gone rogue"? Here is the reason that the president's poll numbers have dropped; most of us on the left have realized that he and the Democratic Party have either been bought off or do not have the guts to face the real enemies of America. The rump of republicans have displayed complete intransigence and all of the angry white guys out there continue to oppose anything rational and sensible.
It takes an almost inhuman state of conditioning to persist in believing that the "policies" of bush and company, which are almost entirely responsible for wrecking everything good about America, need to be continued and strengthened to fix what they broke in the first place. But, the propaganda machine has done such a good job of breaking the spirit of that weird brother-in-law of your's or the guy no one likes at the office that they continue to spout unthinking diatribes against anything different. I mention this because you can go to just about any political blog and find at least one troll who will parrot something that the feces chucking monkeys on talk radio has said, completely distracting the rest of the herd from the topic at hand.
Two things about these guys, what exactly are they getting out of their subsurvience to power and why do they throw their heroes under the bus whenever someone calls them on plagerizing wingnut talking points? Fighting tooth and nail against your best interests is something I just cannot understand, is it simply shadenfreude? The same trolls who swallow everything their leaders tell them also have an almost fanatical desire to appear independent in their thinking. So one will rant about taxes, spending, illegal immigrants, socialism and when you say all the things you'd like to say to rush or hannity, right away it's "I don't believe or side with them". Absolute horseshit! And at every turn, anyone who is not 100% in lockstep with the conservative movement is automatically a communist and branded with the same vitriol that trolls reserve for Nancy Pelosi and Michael Moore.
ENOUGH! It really is past time to fight dirty and treat these people and the feces chuckers who hide behind the first amendment like cowering mice like the enemies they are!
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