A former coworker posted this picture, it is as good a reason as any to vote for the Democratic nominee if you are not a fan of Hillary Clinton. I for one, am voting for her but I understand a lot of people are still feeling hurt that Bernie Sanders did not win. But look at this list, none of these things are baked in, none are explicitly in the constitution but all of them are important. The items on this list are the legacy of responsible, pragmatic citizens and statesmen who cared enough to create them. And every one of those items are there because the central tenet of Republican orthodoxy, the big lie that informs all the rest, is garbage. The "free market" is a myth, a lie, that only serves the interest of the powerful. People are not angels, went the framer's argument for our constitution, therefore checks and balances on power are critical to the success of a republic because neither will leaders and politicians be angels.
So many obstacles are in place in the United States to keep an asshole like Trump out of power. Why do they seem to keep failing? As the inexorable slog to election day continues, we keep getting back to the essential question of how is this even a race? The first comment I saw under the picture went like this:
"Trump won't eliminate this stuff. He just keep the wankers looking for freebies out"And I remembered. There are a lot of really dumb people in this country. Not simply "low information" or "unable to think critically" but stupid and viciously mean-spirited. And these dummies are able to project their meanest and dumbest desires onto this reality TV star who is conning them. And then I remembered why I had given up writing about this election; it is utterly pointless. I have reached the point where the lies have piled up so high that I can't pick one to analyze. Have reached that point where the only comments I see are either like the above, nonsensical assertions of bigoted crap, or whatever the Bernieorbust people have morphed into sniping Hillary Clinton as being just as bad as Trump.
When it comes down to Republicans who claim that Trump is great and openly tout how awesome it will be when he really kicks ass on the poor (nonwhite) "wankers" and the "I told you so" type finger-wavers who were probably never going to vote Democratic in the first place, what is the point of even trying? Then I look at that list and remember that the knuckle-dragging pig people opposed all of those items, and the far left wailers always said that none of it was good enough. But you know what? It is real and it is good, and the American people have accomplished a lot in spite of all of it. And we Americans of today can do more good, we can fix problems, we can put hate and bigotry and mindless ignorance back in its box, we can stand up the the money power elite and the legions of deplorable morons they manipulate.
We do not have to convince the wanker commenter that Trump is a con man and lies to him, we have to turn out the dozen people he knows who aren't that dense and gullible to vote. We have to make sure that Trump loses so badly that the pig people go home and think about their lives and whether all that hate has ever made a positive difference for them. It is not the wanker that needs to be convinced there are no freebies to be had, that ship sailed a long time ago, but the hard-working people exposed to him.
It's a good list and needs to be added to. The people who built those things were not angels, neither is Hillary Clinton but the choice is pretty stark. I never want to find out what a President Trump would do in office, we still have a chance to make sure that doesn't happen. The free market is a lie, Trump knows this, every other lie that comes out of his or any other Republican's mouth is meant to obscure that fact. Putting Republicans in office will be like the last time they controlled everything, did the pig people cheer for all the things that did get defunded or eliminated then? How about all the great new jobs they were able to get because GWB kept all the wankers out? Republicans will always put the needs of not you first, they will always make sure your boss can fire you and the bank can seize your house before they even think of building the wall or whatever fascist wet dream the wanker commenter wants.