Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Freebird joins The Gloomy Historian

Hey Everyone!

I am a new contributor to this blog....I'm horrible with computers and have never blogged before, so bear with me. Anyways, I'm seventeen and in my last semester of High School. I absolutely love history and politics and my dream is to be a high school social studies teacher.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

Popular Misunderstandings

I have always been fascinated by how phrases enter colloquial usage stripped of their original intent. NPR covered one this morning that caught my eye. "Sold Down the River." Today it means to be betrayed, but the original meaning was literally a slave being sold to a plantation owner in the cotton kingdom and transported down the Mississippi. A short, brutal life of hard labor picking for the insatiable appetite of the textile mills lay at the end of that journey.

So when Glenn Grothman touts a 7 day workweek and some other conservative somewhere chirps longingly about ridding workers of the burden of overtime, it is not a slippery slope fallacy to note where they desire to take us. Any step commodifying labor or dehumanizing workers is a step back toward the re-enshrinement of slavery. Pitting one group of workers against another to bring both down, as governor Scott Walker regularly does in WI, is merely the age-old exercise of serving power. The fact that it not only happens in a democracy, but that these slave-power antics are popular among certain segments of the electorate who stand to gain nothing and lose much is a statement of how powerful propaganda can be.

Do we have to wait until everyone is sold down the river before figuring this out?


A little Sabbath for this chilly morning.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bitter retired tanker spews hate for the President, is surprised by reaction.

I've got one MOTHER OF ALL QUESTIONS. Who and which Federal Agency conducted and cleared Barak Hussein Obama for a SECURITY CLEARANCE? As President of the United States, shouldn't he at least pass a TOP SECRET SECURITY CLEARANCE with BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION????? When was it conducted and who authorized the clearance? Please pass this on to everyone that cares about the future of our country.

  • 3 people like this.
  • Sean Wike Oh just get over it.
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  • Samuel Gibson People always trying to bring their damned politics into these groups... geez
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  • Will Carpenter That would be the voters of the United States!
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  • Rick Lowe hey jackass, what does that have to do with tanking
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  • Dan Gunn doesn't mean its is not a valid question...
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  • Rick Lowe it's am ignorant question, the president, regardless if who it is, automatically gets a security clearance when they are elected. and this isn't supposed to be a political forum
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  • Phillip West @Rick Lowe, This is a Large group of Patriots that read and think, and I will spread the word to ALL Patriots that care for our country on every web site possible. I am a Retired Tanker and forsee the downfall of our country by the way this administra...See More
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  • Phillip West Just by walking into an office gives someone the clearance and rights to defraud our country and decrease retiree benefits to bypass the Constitution and give illegal aliens more rights than a Retired Servicemember???
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  • Rick Lowe I'm not saying I disagree with you on all of that I just thought this was a tanker sight not a republican site
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  • Will Carpenter The thing is Phillip you don't have the final say on the definition of "Patriotism". I'm a liberal and I love and served this country too. If you don't like the direction this country is going then run for office.
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  • Rick Lowe well put Mr Carpenter
  • Phillip West I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, none of them on the hill are worth re-election, and None look good as future candidates, by I AM A PATRIOT that dislikes this standing president and the dissolving effect this administration has on the Constitution.
  • Phillip West Its only a question, and wasn't politicized by me.
  • Phillip West @Will Carpenter, Did I ask for a definition of Patriotism?
  • Trevor Weiland He is the classification authority. Everyone else is using his delegated authority to classify anything.
  • Brian Pedersen Phillip West Eh, lots of BS on here from a lot of people, but mostly you Phil. For someone I'm sure that professes a huge amounts of love and respect for the US constitution you don't seem to know much about it.

    Qualifications to be president of the United States are explicitly laid out. Being able to obtain a TS-SCI in whomever they are contracting with through JPAS (I think) isn't one of them, nor should it be. If it was I don't imagine that George W Bush or Bill Clinton would have passed (admitted drug use, numerous misdemeanors, other suspect behavior).

    To save you the time here's the list:

    "Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States:

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

  • Brian Pedersen And PLEASE DONT get started on the whole "Obama wasn't born in the US" birther thing.
  • Phillip West When I see retired Generals and some that were removed from office confirming that this administration has asked the question "If they were ordered, would they fire on American Citizens?" I get concerned for the Balance of Powers and who wields them. I know the whole requirement for President of the United States, and have read The Constitution multiple times. I was raising a question to see what kinds of answers I would receive, and responded to others posts. I started this thread for a reason. AWARENESS. Would any of you reading this Fire your Tank on American Citizens if "'ORDERED" to do so?
  • Phillip West The Office of President is the Justification for a Clearance, I respect the Office, but not the person there.
  • Phillip West @Brian Pedersen, I'm no "Birther", he has an American mother, he's a Citizen, regardless where born.
  • Phillip West @Brian Pedersen, Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He's trying to Change something he swore to Protect and Defend.
  • Rick Lowe I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
  • Rick Lowe you're God damn right I would fire my tank on Americans of they were enemies of the country. Timothy McVeigh and his friends were Americans were they not?
  • Phillip West That's an Armed Forces Oath, not a Presidential Oath. I consider the man in Office a Domestic Threat to the Constitution of the United States.
  • Phillip West @Rick Lowe, what about Due Process, and I forgot to add in the prior post, "Fire on American Citizens when they refuse to let their Firearms be Confiscated by the State"
  • Rick Lowe well if you would have added that part my answer would have been hell no
  • Phillip West My mistake, all Democrats that support the changing of the 2nd Amendment are blindly following POTUS
  • Phillip West @Brian Pedersen, Rick Lowe, and Will Carpenter, Thanks for the conversations, Let's go get a Beer at the Cantina, TT VIII is a done deal.
  • Rick Lowe sounds like a good idea
  • Brian Pedersen Fine with me. Just try to be objective, lest you lose credibility.
  • Sean Wike Sorry Brian, think you might be talking to someone that clearly has a set agenda. But good luck.
  • Phillip West I am Objective, my Objective is to last long enough until this President is no longer in Office.
  • Phillip West @Sean, my Agenda is to make people think. I know by Virtue of his Office he needs no Security Clearance, and by virtue of being an Elected Senator he needed no Security Clearance conducted either. Do you know what a Post Turtle is?
  • Sean Wike Your agenda is to make people think the way you do. Sorry, not buying extra tinfoil and attend the meetings in the bunker because the sky is falling.
  • Dan Gunn LOL Sean... if u cant see what a tragedy has befallen this great nation, its military and its citizens... when is the last time over a dozen flag officers have been relieved in a year or two's time?
  • Phillip West Did you read all the posts? The guys in my head tell me you didn't
  • Phillip West @Dan Gunn, The Administration has been cleaning house. I and a lot of others "SEE" the plug about to be pulled.
  • Phillip West THE POST TURTLE: The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."
  • Sean Wike Don't send me private messages. You're a loony, just sell crazy someplace else, we're all set here.
  • Phillip West @Sean Wike, Name Calling, no debate skills? I was only being civil. "I'm not Crazy, My mother had me tested."-Sheldon Cooper. I can see Sean, that being objective isn't your cup of tea. For those following this thread I sent Sean a personal Message and this is a copy of the message: Contrary to what you may think about me, these are MY thoughts, I really don't care what you think, but that you do think.

    The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."
  • Christopher Walker The house needs to be cleaned unfortunately it has been too top heavy for too long at a big expense....more flag officers than in WWII ill just give one example the accessions branch was made to specifically give a general his third star...it was disbanded after 7 years after it was determined it only wasted money at the tune of tens to hundreds of millions....it was a command that was in between USAREC and TRADOC and served no purpose....their last act was to move the whole HQ to fort knox paying all the costs to move civilian workers and paid them bonuses to move just to can it less than a year later in the same FY....

    Gotbit you think our president is horrible but erroding the constitution but give a specific that he did himself that had never ever ever been done before
  • Phillip West He has withheld "ALL" of his Educational and Professional records. How he financed his education and a myriad of other hidden or sealed records that may or probably disqualify him to hold public office. Name any other President that sealed "ALL" of their records.
  • Christopher Walker How would it disqualify him? Look back up for the qualifications to be president for the answer number one....number two this does not answer my question on how has he eroded the constitution that no one ever ever ever did before
  • Christopher Walker Also http://www.factcheck.org/2012/07/obamas-sealed-records/ breaks it down that the items that are supposedly sealed are actually not public record so in reality any of those items would not be for public view for all past presidents as well
  • Phillip West Christopher Walker, If he has gone into so much detail to keep his past from being known, if the truth were public, would the American Voters have elected him from the start? What does he have to hide? I haven't believed a word from him since day 1, but that's my opinion. A lot of people are blinded by freebies, and erosion of the Constitution by circumvention. Race by far was a factor in the elections, not that Romney would be any better, and Romney's destroyed millions of American Jobs. The FOIA will allow some records to be made public, but only if they are not sealed by the individual. Grades, Classes Taken etc... By the Way, Like your profile pic, have The Bear "Touch of Gray" tattooed on my back.
  • Brian Huggins This has some interest to M1 Tankers?
  • Phillip West No, none at all.
  • Phillip West What would you like to know about the M1A2 SEP v2?
  • Brian Huggins I was on the M1A1 and M1A2 Nett team at Fort Knox, New Equipment training team NETT, it was a great gig transitioning M60 tanker to the new M1's
  • Phillip West General Dynamics NETT at Ft. Hood for the M1A2 SEP v2, May 2008-Dec 2009. GD laid off the entire NETT Team 2, and most transitioned to TACOM NETT Instructors. I'm fully retired now.
  • Brian Huggins A 23 year fun time in the Army. Yes Politics plays in but being a soldier is a special person in our society which sadly others can't relate to so thanks for your service to our great nation whcih we have faught and died to protect our right to voice our opinions openly of our govt and elected officales. God Bless the USA
  • Brian Huggins Really, I was active when we were with them. Sorry to here that. Great to be retired, congrats
  • Phillip West Thank you Brother. And thanks back at you. 20+ Years on Tanks, minus 3 as a Recruiter in the early 90's. M60A1-M1A1 Heavies in OIF 1.
  • Brian Huggins I had a lot of fun and good memories of great people. Hope you did too
  • Phillip West NETT is all contract now. TACOM and General Dynamics. TACOM starts at GS-11 Step 1. I bet I could still Qualify an M60A3. Spent almost 6 years in Korea and had a Blast there. Ft. Stewart, not so much. Never got sucked into the voids of Knox or Hood.
  • Brian Huggins I respect you for being a recruiter tuff job, I did an ROTC stent and it was worse then combat in Iraq, hard to believe but combat troups are a cut above
  • Phillip West All I wanted to do in recruiting is survive and go back to my Iron Pig.
  • Brian Huggins I transitioned Ft Stewart in 1986 to 1988, wrecked my hawg while down there but had a lot of fun in Savana, GA
  • Phillip West I was newly married when I got there, and was a new M1 tanker. Like a red headed step-child when you go from 60's to M1's.
  • Brian Huggins Spent most of my time in the CAV 11thACR and Germany, missed out on Korea, but It must have been a blasst
  • Phillip West Was there at Stewart Jan 1989 to Dec 1991.
  • Phillip West My only trip to Germany was REFORGER 1986.
  • Brian Huggins might have seen you there we stayed at Hampton Inn, I feel very lucky to have served and retired