I hate to fall into this trap because it has been just beaten to death by commentators in the last few years, and I really suspect it was by design, but yes the dittoheads, teabaggers, etc. are behaving like little brownshirts. Fascism is extremely hard to nail down in a definition but eliminationism is definitely a major component, so far it has been rallies, vitriolic rhetoric, and revisionism with few acts of outright politically-motivated violence. But the "you just wait 'til November" threatening and bullying, the attitude that all Americans are behind them, and what all Americans want is a doubling down of the worst excesses of gwb. Now, just as the Social Democratic government of Weimar was unable to fully address effects of the Great Depression, which was exasperated by the aftermath of WWI, Americans are frustrated with Democratic control of government during our Great Recession. There was always going to be the third of Americans who were going to hate the Obama administration, largely the same people who hated Clinton and supported gwb to the bitter end, but the other two thirds of Liberals and independents have soured as well for different reasons. That is not the focus of this story however, I feel it is important to mention a book I read for a class on the Third Reich. Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town 1922-1945 (Social Studies: History of the World) by William Allen focuses on how the true believers of National Socialism in the town of Northeim were a lot like the guy I mention below.
This is a status update and ensuing conversation on facebook, Jon was a guy I knew in the Army but I don't know Carey at all. The question I would like to ask is, is he just another blowhard or would he really kill me and anyone who disagrees with him? Carey's comments are outlined in red. I suppose I should feel a little guilty about "violating" privacy ethics, but guys like this want guys like me not to have any privacy lest we read the Nation in our bathrooms or whatever. And in any case, the Liberal, socialist, fascist, muslim Obama administration probably has copies of all of this already, thanks gwb for those great surveillance ideas!
Jon: I have watched our President's speech over and over, terrible politics still plays a part. Since elections are around the corner, he does not have the guts to give President George W. Bush the credit he deserves for liberating that country. Here's to you W., and here's to the men and women that died for those that couldn't protect themselves.
12 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike
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Carey Obama and his liberals dont have the intestinal fortitude to make the tough decisions and to stand by them.
12 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Carey Here s to you ol' W. I love you brotherrrr
12 hours ago · LikeUnlike. Carey We must eradicate liberal vermin from this earth. they are poison on the tree of liberty. I would love to face off against a liberal in a good ol' revolution.
12 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Carey God Bless America brotherrrrrrrr
12 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Gabriel: Jon, Obama never thought Iraq was a good idea. Here's why he's right. Even *if* we liberated Iraq (and that's a big "if"), was it worth the cost? More than 4400 American servicemen and women dead, tens of thousands wounded, somewhere betwee...n a half million and a million Iraqi civilians dead, and over a trillion dollars spent already. Not to mention the fact that we invaded a sovereign nation because there was an "immanent threat" (and there was none). So I ask you, what if we could "liberate" Iran right now, but it would cost us as much as Iraq has? Would you be for it? Would you applaud Obama if he invaded Iran tomorrow?See More
8 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Carey It is worth fighting for. Obviously you haven't fought in Iraq. You being a coward doesn't mean something isn't worth fighting for. If we all thought like liberals we would be singing the German national anthem.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Carey We should have invaded Iran years ago.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Jon Why don't you ask the 4400 sevicemen and women's families that lost a loved one....I would bet you that the overwhelming majority would say your damn right it was worth it, they died for a cause that they believed in. As for Iran put em on the list their next if they continue their reindeer games. I don't ever wish for war fella but if it comes to our protection, freedoms, or protection of the weak damn right get ur full fucking battle rattle cuz were taking it to ya.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading....-Michael I'm down with the battle rattle!
Jon When I die, I desire no better winding sheet than the stars and stripes, and no softer pillow than the constitution of my country.
This just one example of hate speech and one does not make a trend. But, it only takes one angry person and a gun to do lots of damage. So, just as so many people freaked after Columbine and every subsequent school shooting, where any sullen-faced teenager dressed in black who listened to Marilyn Manson was a potential mass-murderer, anyone spouting this kind of rhetoric is a potential domestic right-wing terrorist in my mind.
Now, if we simply replace "gays, muslims, illegal immigrants" with "jews" and "Liberals" with "communists, social democrats, and trade unionists" we pretty much have the Nazis, German national anthem indeed. Funny how the same people who told anyone to shut up that opposed the war now cling to freedom of speech, and howled from the hills about muslim terrorism are now threatening to kill a considerable number of their fellow Americans. At this point, agreeing to disagree seems a little like wishful thinking and I'd probably better peel the Obama sticker off of my car.