"Sometimes you have to sacrifice the present to better the future."
Our country requires intensive care treatment at this point after the mess left to our president, but the bailouts and taking ownership without control or accountability is really more of a "sacrifice the future to save the financial interests of the few in the present."
Yes, there has been progress, and I appreciate the student loan reforms too. However, it isn't rational to bend over backwards to try and please people who utterly hate you and, by judging some of their signs and slogans, want to hurt you as well, while ignoring the people who support you and want you to succeed. Yes, Barack Obama is everyone's president and just like a father who sometimes has to drag the kids kicking and screaming to what is right, he needs to make the hard decisions that are going to incur the whining and loud noises from fox et al. For the good of everyone, the benefits to the majority really do outweigh the slight loss of money and privilege to the few. If he can't, then we are going back to he Dark Ages when he is defeated.
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