False equivalency is at the heart of the matter. How can anyone report two or more sides of a story with equal weight? But as Keith says, conservative opinion shows toss out propaganda and lies in an attempt to mentally contort reality to fit their worldview in spite of facts, while the shows on MSNBC simply point out the silliness and ignorance in the conservative movement. It really takes discipline for the fox viewer to ignore what they see, if they see reality at all, and instead believe the bizzarro world manufactured by propaganda. This is a big country and it is impossible to experience everything firsthand, therefore we need the media to know what is going on, but the noise machine continues to distort that transmission mechanism. It is too easy for propagandists to set up caricatures that play into people's alienation and society's atomization, unfortunately there probably are many people who didn't know that Nixon resigned, or that at one time the Republican party was able to put nation first instead of the feudalist rigidity of today.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost